Organic Farming Expert

by chimdel



Organic farming has mushroomed drastically in importance and influence worldwide from its modest beginnings in the first half of the last century. Organic farming is production of food and livestock without the use of herbicides, pesticides, weedicides, fertilizers or genetically modified organism and use natural resources such as manure and compost instead. In other words, it is a production system which maintains the quality of soil ecosystem as well as human beings. The chemicals were not used for farming before World War 2. A number of munitions used in farming have contributed to field of agriculture. For instance, ammonium nitrate used as ammonium nitrate fertilizer.Conventional agriculture differ from organic farming in terms of usage of chemical fertilizers which increase the nutrient of the soil, usage of genetically modified seeds for better crop production. Many Benefits of organic farming like,- Reduced Exposure to Pesticides and Chemicals, Organic Farming Builds Healthy Soil, Combatting Erosion, Fighting the Effects of Global Warming, Organic Farming Supports Water Conservation and Water Health, Supporting Animal Health and Welfare. There are various categories of organic farming.Categories of the app -- Organic Farming- Composting Techniques- Fertilizers & Manures- Plant Protection- Green House , poly house- Growing CropsFeatures of the app -1. Option to choose the date from calendar.2. Mark your favorite notes.3. Option of changing theme, font & mode.4. Shall the apps content with images.5. The option on going to recent: show the content with dates you have already read about.Just download this app, please share feedback and dont forget to rate our work.